Sunday, April 5, 2015

Birthday Party in Kansas

Spring is such a fun time! Flowers, Easter, warm weather, and many many birthday parties. At least in my family anyways. 

We have just finished up the 3rd birthday party only this one was the farthest away. Five and a half hours up to El Dorado, Kansas to be exact. It was time for my wonderful mother-in-law's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom! 

We all decided with family all coming home for Easter we might as well throw a birthday cake and well wishes in the mix. I don't think anyone minded ended the Easter feast with a little birthday cake. Who wouldn't? Ha 

After surfing Pinterest for cake ideas that would be befitting of such a wonderful Easter/birthday occasion I came across a beautiful, yet simple, triple layered cake with brightly colored layers, with white buttercream and springlike sprinkles on top. My version was toned down a bit. I only used two layers but we're colored with pastel pink and pastel green. I did keep the white buttercream and sprinkle idea the same. 

Below is a few snaps of the cake before and after cutting. Hope you enjoy! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Double 'Frozen' Birthday Party

Ok so I love to bake and decorate cakes. Among a million other things.  Even though they aren't fancy I still enjoy it and they taste fantastic if I do say so myself. 

This past weekend my two kids, Sydney who is turning 5 and Hunter who just turned 2, had a Frozen birthday party. We had cake, cupcakes, blue jello, blue punch, and chocolate covered marshmallows.

I took several pictures to showcase my dollar tree decorations. It's amazing what a few dollar table clothes with do besides just put on tables. 


Everything but the edible items and the 'Frozen' items were purchased at the Dollar Tree. I am amazed how easy it is to diy decorations. I found most of my projects on Pinterest. Follow me for all my awesome finds @mrsfrech

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!!!